Health Policy and Emerging Global Health Issues
John W. Beasley, MD (bio)Jamie McCord, MD (bio)
Mohamed Amin (bio)
A. Vishnu Moorthy, MD (bio)
Alexandra Brower, DVM, DaCVP (bio)
February 4, 2009
1 hour and 12 minutes
324 Recorded video views
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This video contains the following presentations related to Health Policy and Emerging Global Health Issues from the 2009 Global Health Symposium:
Primary Care: An International Perspective, by John W. Beasley, MD Co-authors: Qidwai W, Gomez-Clavelina F.
Implementing a Trauma Registry in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Our Experience in Two Teaching Hospitals, by Jaime McCord, MD
Sources of Medicine Information for Patients with Chronic Conditions in Alexandria, Egypt, by Mohamed Amin
Chronic Kidney disease (CKd) in Uganda: Need for Prevention of Kidney Failure, by A. Vishnu Moorthy, MD
Outreach in Moldova: Experiences with the USAId Farmer to Farmer Program, by Alexandra Brower, DVM, DaCVP