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Office 365 with Outlook Web App

Picture from Office 365 with Outlook Web App
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Cathy Cuccia

July 14, 2015

1 hour and 25 minutes

21 Recorded video views

2 Live stream views

Cathy Cuccia from the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) demonstrates using Office 365: Outlook Web App for email and calendar.  Outlook Web App replaces the WiscMail and WiscCal web client at UW-Madison.
Topics include: Create and respond to messages; using the Global Address List, adding a Signature to a Message, using Automatic Replies to set an "Out of Office" message, email settings and options, add a flag to a message, categorize (color code) a message; search email messages. 
At the 47:00 mark, Calendar Basics are shown. Calendar topics include: calendar overview, create a new meeting, using Office 365's Scheduling Assistant, track meeting responses (for organizer of meeting only), view someone else's calendar, sharing your calendar with someone else.