Limb Development and Evolution Symposium Morning Session Part 2
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Matt HarrisJoAnn Cameron
Randall Dahn
Taka Suzuki
Xin Sun
Deneen Wellik
April 15, 2010
1 hour and 38 minutes
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Matt Harris, Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen, "Capacity and constraint in the generation of morphological complexity and novelty"
JoAnn Cameron, University of Illinois, "Limb Regeneration Research: New Approaches"
Randall Dahn, MDI Biological Laboratory, "Comparative approach to vertebrate limb regeneration"
Taka Suzuki, Tohoku University, "The role of GDF11 during hindlimb field determination"
Xin Sun, UW-Madison, "Dissecting the genetic circuitry that controls the anterior-posterior patterning of the limb"
Deneen Wellik, University of Michigan, "Unexpected Roles for Hox Genes in Limb Patterning"