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Infectious Diseases: 2007 Global Health Symposium

Picture from Infectious Diseases: 2007 Global Health Symposium
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Michael A. Kron, MS, MD (bio)
Yulia Semeniuk, MS, RN
Chester B. Thomas, DVM, MPVM, PhD (bio)
Rebecca Cramer, MPH
Jenna Klink

February 7, 2007

1 hour and 12 minutes

349 Recorded video views

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This video contains the following presentations related to Infectious Diseases from the 2007 Global Health Symposium:

Multifunctional Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases in Human Parasitic Filarial: Insight into new Drug Discovery and Host-Parasite Interactions
Given by: Michael A. Kron, MS, MD

WHO Internship Summer 2006: Demographic Data on Youth Ages 10-24 in Kiev, Ukraine
Given by: Yulia Semeniuk, MS, RN

PolioPlus: The Eradication Effort and the Future
Given by: Chester B. Thomas, DVM, MPVM, PhD

Factors Impacting Patient Adherence to Complex Tuberculosis Treatment Regimes in Lusaka, Zambia
Given by: Rebecca Cramer, MPH

Home-Based Water Purification in Uganda
Given by: Jenna Klink