Global Health at the University of Wisconsin Madison: 2007 Global Health Symposium
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Robert N. Golden, MD (bio)Daryl Buss, DVM, PhD (bio)
Gilles Bousquet, PhD (bio)
Connie Kraus, PharmD (bio)
Linda Baumann, PhD, RN, FAAN (bio)
Cynthia Haq, MD (bio)
February 7, 2007
23 minutes
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Dean Robert Golden, Dean Daryl Buss, Dean Gilles Bousquet, Professor Connie Kraus and Professor Linda Baumann shared what Global Health means to each of their schools at the 3rd annual Global Health Symposium held at the Health Sciences Learning Center on February 7th, 2007. Cynthia Haq, MD the director of the Center for Global Health which sponsored this symposium that focused on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improving Global Health.