Contributions of NGOs to Global Health

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Alhaji U. N'jai, PhDKaren Klemp, RN, BSN, MA
Kim Tews
Mia Morrisette, CSW
Ted Thachenkary, MD
February 3, 2010
1 hour and 17 minutes
162 Recorded video views
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Project1808 Sierra Leone: Sowing the Seeds of Sustainable Health through Community-School Partnerships by Alhaji U. N’jai, PhD; Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, Dept. of Pathobiological Sciences
“Bringing Hope 2 Others” in Tanzania-East Africa, Guatemala by Karen Klemp, RN, BSN; Bringing Hope 2 Others
Ending Starvation Through Sustainable Agriculture Programs in Guatemala by Kim Tews, Director, Outreach for World Hope
Hospice in the Global Village by Mia Morrisette, CSW; Clinical Team Leader HospiceCare Inc. Founder of HospiceCare Inc/Meru Hospice Partnership
Anidaso Health Ghana Mission by Ted Thachenkary, MD; President, Anidaso Health